Wednesday, 28 September 2011

Trio meeting

The Regional Institute Board of Central West in its efforts to accompany Clusters within its Jurisdiction, arranged  for  meeting with those in forefront of the learning process in Tiriki west on the 23rd September 2011. The meeting was attended by Tiriki West cluster Auxiliary Board Member, Growth Facilitator of the cluster, all Cluster coordinators ( Two from the Junior youth, 2 from the children classes and an Institute coordinator for study circles) among the were 3 Regional institute board members and 2 Regional coordinators.
  Consultation centered  on how to improve the effectiveness of the educational process fostered at the level of the study circle and they dealt with four items;
  1. Human Resource development
  2. Capacity building
  3. Coordination in the neighborhoods
  4. Documentation and sharing reports
The institute coordinators started by sharing the current pyramid of the cluster as it has been a custom and just to share with you this is the stand of the cluster when the meeting took place;

Ruhi 1
Ruhi 2
Ruhi 3
Ruhi 3 G2
Ruhi 4
Ruhi 5
Ruhi 6
Ruhi 7
Ruhi 8

The cluster had just finished its 25th cycle of activities and was starting there 26th cycle. The number of friends that had enrolled to the study circle as a result of new recruits we actually 5 believers others had graduated from the junior youth groups and joined the institute process. There were  30 study circle on-going in the cluster with approximately 181 participants. There were a number of semi-blocks taking place in the cluster in order to assist those friends that were stuck in a given course and were finding it difficult to complete as soon as required. Each and everyone present was free to share their ideas that would assist the development of those who will stir the cluster past it milestones in the  current Five Year Plan.
 There were some elements that were found to be challenging to the institute process in the cluster among them were;
  • Accompaniment
  • Vision building
  • Documentation of learning
  • Understanding the process and its elements of study, practice and service thus improving the process at the level of the study circle.
Many questions were raised and consultation heated up especially when friends asked themselves where Teaching had gone so low since there were few teachers that participated in the teaching activity within that circle. From each corner a friend had something to share and its individuals idea was accepted.

Members who attende the Trio meeting on 23/9/2011; From Left (Standing), Kennedy Inambiri,Enock Otiende,Peter  Chayuga[ABM],Ali Cornet, Shanaz Vike, Joseph Livoi and Tahiri Zindoli. Squatting from (Right); Gilda Oside, Joyce Agonya, Nelson Akibaya, Shoghi Mmata [GF] and Hesbon Mulehi.

Soon i will be sharing with you some of the information and activities taking places in the neighborhoods i mentioned in my last blog.

Till next time, have  Blessed moments!

Tuesday, 20 September 2011

Nieghbourhoods in Tiriki West Cluster

The cluster is divided into twelve (12) Neighbourhoods each of which has a number of locallities making it. The division was arrived at from the Trio meeting that took place at around the end of the last Five Year plan (2006-2011) just concluded.
    The Neihborhoods also commonly  known as "Working Units" among believers in the cluster  and those communities making up that neighbourhood are listed ( Remember the name of the neighborhood is also one of the community that builds up that neighborhood). :
  1. Kabinjari 
  2. Jiveywa 
  3. Kimarani
  4. Kapsoi
  5. Kabinjari
     2. Kipchekwen
  • Kipkiran
  • Simotwa
  • Kipchekwen
    3. Chavufunya
  • Madeya
  • Kipsigori
  • Chavufunya
  • Kisangula
  • Mwembe
  • Goibei
  • Mugango
  • Banja
  • Givogi
    5. Lwombei
  • Saride
  • Kapchemwan
  • Suguta
  • Mutavi
  • Muhaya
  • Saride
    6. Gamgeni
  • Jeboreni
  • Shikomoli
  • Gamgeni
    7. Chepses
  • Jebrongo
  • Genyamosi
  • Museywa
  • Hamisi
  • Kapkoi
  • Gamoi
  • Chepses
  • Cheptorori
  • Kapsoeni
  • Kimogoi
    9. Gidimo
  • Jeredei
  • Galona
  • Gamdusi
  • Gidimo
    10. Jemaga
  • Jegereni
  • Kapkoros
  • Gimamoi
  • Matuga
  • Jimamoi
  • Jemaga
   11. Lusoma
  • Irungu
  • Gidagadi
  • Giminoi
  • Lusoma
     12. Boyani
  • Tigoi
  • Jepsel
  • Jipkoyai
  • Jimaran
  • Boyani

      Each of this neighborhoods make their own plans and works withing the circle of the whole cluster. In each neighborhood to ensure they plan for the circle of activities, the Area Teaching community (ATC) has indetified three to four capable individuals that assist the neighborhoods plan, guide them and submit there plans to the Area Teaching Committee to consolidate that cluster plan. At the moment they are planning their 25th circle and if you go in the various neighborhood you will notice the neighboods meetings going on inorder for believers to plan for their own neighborhood.
   Its in this meetings--the neighborhood meetings- where each neighborhood analyze their won resources and plans according to there available Human Resource ( I will be sharing with you about the available resources in each neighborhood in the near future). Institute process thus has been planned according to each neighborhood and now they talk of how many study circles are going on in so and so neighborhood rather than as a cluster as a whole. As the plans of the cluster are done in the neighborhood so does all the other activities from the junior youth, children classes,Devotional Meetings and the Home visits.The neighborhoods are still learning how to systematize the devotional meetings and making them more regular and nor just regular but always within a short period even everyday(s) there should be a devotion in each neighborhood.

Till next time have a fabulous time!